Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Schools, land records, and the Tripp family property: Part 1

art of the federal legislation in 1787 known as the Northwest Ordinance provided that in each township, on section (Section 16) must be reserved for schools.
After a while it became apparent that a tract of land one mile by one mile was not needed for educational purposes in each township. So in 1827 the Ohio legislature passed a bill that allowed the sale of the un-needed portion of Section 16 and have the money deposited into a special account. The interest from this account was used to support education in the township. This seemed to be a wise strategy.
As a result of this legislation, Cyrus Tripp, Norman N. Tripp's father, purchased a little less than 80 acres or approximately 1/2 of Section 16 in Amboy Township in Fulton County. The text of the original deed, (which is part of my family history collection) reads as follows:
The State of Ohio to Cyrus Tripp -- Governor's Deed Dated Feb. 21, 1848. The North 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 16, Township 9, of the S. R. 4 East containing 77 79/100 acres of land. William Bebb Governor of the State of Ohio - To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting. Know Ye that in consideration of the sum of three hundred and Eleven Dollars Sixteen Cents paid by Cyrus Tripp to the Treasure of Lucas County for the purchase of the Tract of Land herein described lying and being within the County of Lucas appropriated by an act of Congress for the use of Schools which Tract of land has been fully paid for as appears by a final Certificate of the Auditor of said County particularly describing said tract and the several sums which have been paid thereon to me presented according to "An Act to provide for the sale of Section Sixteen granted by Congress for the use of Schools" passed January 29, 1827. Therefore in pursuance of said act, there is granted by the State of Ohio unto the said Cyrus Tripp and to his heirs and assigns forever. The North Half of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 16, Township No. 9, South Range No. 4 East containing Seventy Seven and 79/100 acres of land with the appearances thereof unto the said Cyrus Tripp and his heirs and assigns forever. For Witness of whereof the said William Bebb Governor of the State of Ohio hath caused the Great Seal of the State to be hereunto affixed and signed sealed the same with his hand at Columbus this Twenty First day of February in the Year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty eight. By the Governor William Bebb and Samuel Galloway, Secretary of State, Transferred June 20th 1848, W. F. Dewey County Auditor. Recorded in Volume 16 page 475 on October 23, 1849 by Horace Thacher, Recorder.
In addition to this deed there is another dated August 8, 1874 which states: This Deed was recorded in Vol. 1, Page 251 - Kind Lease. For the consideration of $1.00 the Board of Education was leased this property for the purpose of building a school.
This school was known as the “Tripp School”

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