Sunday, March 21, 2010

In the box of letters - Letters from Mom to Dad June 23, 1930

In this letter we find that dad first went to Geneva, Nebraska to work in the wheat fields and then from there he went on to Orient, South Dakota. An interesting discrepancy is mom entered the date June 23, 1930 at the top of the envelope, but the postmark on the front of the letter is July 24, 1930 and on the back it was postmarked as being received on July 25, 2930 in Geneva, Nebraska. Either it took her a long time to get the letter to the post office or she hadn't got used to the month being July.

The letter is as follows:

Mr. John Tripp
Gen. Delivery

1714 Berkshire Pl
Toledo, Ohio
June 23, 1930
3:30 P.M.

Dear John,
Received your lovely letter to-day and, gee, was I looking for it! Not just once, but twice a day!
We, no more than drove up to the house last Wed. and the whole neighborhood was here. I was looking for you and then Norman told me you had gone to Nebraska. Of course, I didn't feel as if I was glad I was home but I am glad you have found something to do.
Bill and Norman have been down every night except Saturday. Bill's dad kicked him out this morning and told him to find work. He sure is lazy! If he would only use the energy it takes to boast about himself, he probably would find work. He sure gives me a pain and Elsie thinks he's K.O.
They have taken out the Bridges now so mother said "You will have to sit on the cinders now and hang your feet down in the creek." She has it all worked out.
We went to Reno Beach Sunday trying to find releif from the terrible hot weather we have been having. The temperature in the sun, Monday, was 120 degrees.
Gee, that's not good news to hear you won't be home for at least 6 or 8 wks. Norman said you were coming home the first of August. He's way off! Huh?
I'll bet it's hot enough to work in a wheat field and thresh. I know how it is cause I lived on a farm 11 years.
I have learned to play "Michigan" since you went and it sure is fun. I ended up the game the other Saturday night owing my mother 37 and Mr. Tomb 25. Isn't that good?
Norman, Melvin, and Bill (Big Bill) have gone to Willys to wade this afternoon. They walked over in their vare feet, I'll bet they wish that they were home! Don't you?
As it is time to get this letter off so to be sure you get it, I will close.
Your friend,

P.S. Be sure and write soon for I'll be awaiting an answer.

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