Tuesday, March 9, 2010

John Frank Tripp Part 2 - The High School Years

Senior Year Metamora High School - 1928

Metamora School 1928

Metamora HS Class of 1928

Yearbook Picture

1928 High School Transcript

1928 Metamora High School Diploma

I always knew that he liked sports. As a child, I can remember him listening to baseball or football games on the radio. his concentration was intense despite the fact that he never got real emotional in regards to what was happening. Kind of a laid back sports fan.

Well, after looking into his background, I found out that he had played sports himself while attending high school. In picture #1 we see that he was according to the Metamora Meteor (the high school yearbook) "Johnny (in the center) and the HS football team - 1927".

Top row - Alvin Stinson, Miles Crockett, Ollie Pifer, Purcy Plummer, and Charles Reed
Second Row - Leslie Ott, John Sanderson, Howard Petee, Harry Heldt, Harold Schmitz, Harland Welch, Harold Buck, and Coach J. Floyd Thomas
Seated - Dale Ford, Jacob Ries, John Tripp, Norval Berry, and Paul Boroff

Metamora HS 1928 Basketball Team

L-R Percy Plummer, Ollie Pifer, Harland Welch, Charles Reed, Harold Buck, Howard Petee, John Tripp, and John Ford. Clifford Fillinger, Miles Crockett, and harry Heldt were not pictured.

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