In today's email you will see a variety of pictures that I found in a little red photo album. After scanning it and figuring out whose it was, I now present it to all of you.
The majority of the pictures are from Niagara Falls - see first two pictures. This is an interesting coincidence due to the fact that the Tripp's that came to Northwestern Ohio (Fulton County) Norman N. and Cyrus, his father and their wives and those that came to Southeastern Michigan including Elmon and his wife Lucinda among others migrated from the Niagara Falls area.
From 1812 to 1848 our Tripps’ lived in or near the village of Royalton, Niagara County New York. In one of the deeds for property that Cyrus own we find the wording on the original deed:
"Know all men by these presents that F. William O'Brian President of the Canal Bank of Lockport N. Y. in consideration of one dollar to me in hand from Cyrus Tripp the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledge do hereby release and discharge the land and premises hereinafter particularly described in a certain Indenture of Mortgage recorded by the same Cyrus Tripp and Betsey Tripp, wife, to me as President to secure the payment of one Thousand Two hundred and interest and which was dated February first 1839 and recorded in Niagara County Clerk's office in Book of Mortgages records Nineteen on page 292 for the land and premises hereby discharged from the ____ said Indenture of Mortgages is described as follows -- being part of Land records Nine section Eight in Township number Fourteen and Fifth Range of townships of the Holland Land Company's Lands."
Niagara Falls
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