Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hunting Easter Eggs

By now that you think we surely must have some Greek in our blood ancestry, but that is probably not the case. I found this reference to "Egg Tapping" at Wikipedia and I am sure that is where we got the tradition.
In the North of England, at Eastertime, a traditional game is played where hard boiled pace eggs are distributed and each player hits the other player's egg with their own. This is known as "egg tapping", "egg dumping" or "egg jarping". The winner is the holder of the last intact egg. The losers get to eat their eggs. The annual egg jarping world championship is held every year over Easter in Peterlee Cricket Club. It is also practiced in Bulgaria, Hungary, Croatia, Lithuania, Lebanon, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine, and other countries. They call it tucanje. In parts of Austria, Bavaria and German-speaking Switzerland it is called Ostereiertitschen or Eierpecken. In South Louisiana this practice is called Pocketing eggs and is slightly different. The Cajuns hold that the winner eats the eggs of the losers in each round.


After sending the email about Easter baskets and Cracking Easter Eggs I thought that I forgot to tell you about one of the best parts of Easter - hiding and finding Easter Eggs. This is usually done outside, but can be done inside as well. And yes, it can be done over and over again. As kids we had a great time doing this.

As you can well imagine after hiding and finding the eggs several times and then playing the Egg cracking game, those Easter eggs were pretty beat up, but we would eat them anyway - with a little salt they are very tasty. When you look at it from an economic veiwpoint - we had chickens to lay the eggs, a litttle food coloring and vinigar served worked just fine to color them on a table covered well with newspapers - all in all dirt cheap and greeat fun.

Over the years we have continued the tradition. In the first picture you will see Angela April 6, 1980 Easter hunting eggs at 2 1/2 years.

Next we find Easter 1982 Mark, Marie and Angela Tripp.

Tim and his kindergarten class did a fine job celebrating Easter in 1961.

And yes, I even found a picture of Dad and me playing the Easter Egg Cracking Game on Easter Day 1961.

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