Sunday, May 2, 2010

Mildred Tripp's Photo Album Page 9

Not sure, but it looks like a fountain somewhere.

Jim and Jerry Tripp getting ready to go swimming.

Jerry, Jim, and John Tripp on a glider swing - not sure where this was taken, but more than likely it was on the farm. it wonder if dad made this swing, he had very good carpentry skills and could have easily done it.

Okay, the baby is Jim. So the lady is?

Jerry and Jim Tripp down on the farm.

Mildred Tripp's Photo Album Page 8

Edith says: This is Aunt Alice, Cousin Paul and Me. I would also say that it is in Louisiana at their home. Remember I stayed there when Mom had her first Nervous Breakdown. Edie and
Susie Says: How about Aunt Alice Thompson, Cousin Paul Thompson & Edith? Susie

Edith says: Same people, plus Uncle Joe and then Jim and Jerry are in the back. That must have been when they came down to either see me or pick me up to go back home. Edie and
Susie says: Jerry, Edith & Jim in back. Don't have a clue on the people in the front. Susie
Now the question is - was all of mom's break downs associated with having female children? Why did dad decide to have Edith and Pat (and maybe Mary and Susie if it happened after they were born) go stay with other family member? Having Edith go all the way to Louisiana was a rather drastic measure, especially in those days and the modes of transportation. And another sad commentary is - had this kind of thing happened today it most likely could have been easily controlled by medication.

I remember seeing this picture before and having an idea as to who the family is, but at this point, I am not sure, but I think it is from my mom-s side of the family.

This has always been one of my favorite pictures. It was taken on the Daniel Coppus family farm. L-R we find the children of Etta and Dave Coppus – Bill, Elsie and Mildred.

Not sure, but my guess would be Jim Tripp.

Not sure what this is a picture of – anybody have any ideas?

First Communion - Jim and Jerry

Not positive, but this appears to be a First Communion picture as well,
what do you think? Jim and Jerry Tripp.

Martha and Angela's First Communion

Here is Martha, my wife at her first Communion.

And here is Angela at hers with Martha and I

First Communion

It is that time of year.
Here we see Susie and Mary at the time of there first Communion. Typically this is done in the spring of the second grade. So we might surmise from that that this was about 1954 when Mary was in 2nd grade. Mary would have been 8 and Susie would have been 10.

Mildred Tripp's Photo Album Page 7

By now you have probably gotten the idea that when mom put this photo album together there was no rhyme or reason to how she did it. The other notable observation is that she made no more entries as captions. So from here on out it is what we know and what we conjecture.
This is Mildred as a little girl. Her parents were Etta (Paden) and David Coppus.
She was born 21 Oct 1915in Bascom - Seneca County, Ohio.

This is Etta Coppus who at this point had divorced Dave Coppus and trained to be a nurse.
She is holding Jerry I believe. About 1938.

As it appears this must have been some type of family gathering, but as for most parents their children are the favorite subjects for photos – Jim and Jerry Tripp.

This is Bill Coppus, Mildred’s brother.

This is Elsie on left and Mildred Coppus with their Grandpa Paden. Jacob B. (Franklin ) Paden was born in Ohio around 1853. He and his wife Mary Jane (Elizabeth) FLAUGHER mainly lived in Tiffin. My mother and her siblings often went to stay with their grandparents when their parent had marital problems.

Mildred Tripp's Photo Album Page 6

Dickie and Sally Wetmore, Jim and Jerry Tripp

Daniel and Louisa Coppus family home in Louden Township in Seneca County Ohio.
This is the home of Mildred's grandparents.
Not sure where this is, but I think it has something to do with the Paden family - Etta's parents

Mildred Tripp and her two boys, Jim and Jerry

I think this is another of the Tripp gatherings, but not sure where or when. John Tripp is kneeling on left in second row, maybe Paul next to him on right – leaving maybe Norman Jr. to his right? Behind dad in the back row – fourth from left is Norman P Tripp. Alton next to him and Marynette in front of Alton? Katie – Norman P Tripp’s wife second adult from right in back row? Any guess about the kids?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Mildred Tripp's Photo Album Page 5

Jim and Jerry Tripp

Jerry and Jim Tripp

Norman P. and Katie Tripp with their grandchildren - taken in lane (at the Tripp family farm outside of Metamora) June 1939. Back row L-R Tom, Barbara and Jim Tripp. Front row – Martha and Jerry Tripp. Barbara and Tom Tripp are children of Alton and Marynette Tripp. Nancy and Martha are children of Paul and Helen Tripp. Alton and Paul are brothers of John Tripp and grew up on this farm.

‘This is good, but not sure who it is.

Mildred Tripp's Photo Album Page 4

"Sleepy Jerry - 1937"

"Ain't we cute - 1938"

"Tripp Family Reunion held at River Raisin - June 1935"
Need help identifying these folks. Possibly back row left – Alton Tripp. Next to Alton is Katie, wife of Norman P. Tripp.In the middle is Mildred Tripp. Next to mom on the right might be Paul Tripp. Sitting right front with the dog – Norman P. Tripp? Who can help? We now have Paul and Freida Thompson on our distribution list, so maybe they can help identify people, especially Paul’s parents.

“Four Generations – Jimmy 3 months old when at Grandpa Coppus’ July 1934”
Back row L-R Dave Coppus, Mildred Tripp, Louisa J. (Peter) Coppus wife of Daniel Coppus, Sitting Daniel Louis Coppus (born 26 Dec 1866 in Louden Township, Seneca County, Ohio) holding Jimmy Tripp. Dave Coppus was one of seven children born of Daniel and Louisa (born 30 Aug 1868 in Henry County, Ohio) Coppus.

“Sally and Dickie Wetmore – 1938” Jim or Jerry could probably tell us who they are.

Mildred Tripp's Photo Album Pages 2-3

"Whoa Jim" - Jerry and Jim at Reno Beach 1938

"Jerry's first swim with his Grandma Coppus at Reno Beach"
Map of where Reno Beach is near Toledo

"Four generations - Jimmy 3 months old when at Grandpa Coppus' July 1924"
Back row L-R Dave Coppus, Mildred Tripp, Louisa Coppus wife of Daniel Coppus
Sitting Daniel Louis Coppus holding Jimmy Tripp.
Dave Coppus was one of the seven children born of Daniel and Louisa Coppus.

"Our bikes - Jerry and Jim in front yard 1939"

"Grandma and Grandpa Coppus taken July 11, 1937"
Louisa and Daniel Coppus was Mildred Coppus-Tripp's grandparents.
They lived on a farm in Louden Township, Seneca County, Ohio.

"At Sandusky Bay at the Fort - June 1938"

Mildred Tripp's Photo Album Page 1

Taken in front yard at home in Metamora June 1929
Jerry(age 3 ears) and Jim (age 5 years) Tripp sons of John and Mildred Tripp

At Grand Rapids July 4th, 1937
Jerry (age 1 1/2 years), Mildred (age 21) their mom and Jim (age 3 years) Tripp

Back row L-R Barbara, Jim, Tommy
Front row Nancy, Jerry, and Martha - all Tripps
Taken in lane (at the Tripp family farm outside of Metamora) June 1939.
Barbara and Tom Tripp are children of Alton and Marynette Tripp.
Nancy and Martha are children of Paul and Helen Tripp.
Alton and Paul are brothers of John Tripp and grew up on this farm.

The caption states "Toughie" Jim - February 13, 1937.
At this point he was almost three years old.

Caption states "Take me Mom" Jerry taken February 13, 1937;
this was a few days shy of his first birthday.

Jerry at Reno beach 1938. Went to the beach to swim with his
grandmother Etta Paden-Coppus-Cook, Mildred Coppus Tripp's mother.